Crisis Mode!

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Pheww, I made it through yesterday!                                                  

Here are a few pics to some up my day!!! (my bulletin board destroyed)

I am a firm advocate for making my children be as independent as possible.  In the morning, my students are to take out any papers from their back pack and put their backpack in their cubby.  One of my students REFUSED.  After a whole 30 minute tantrum full of destruction and aggression, he completed his task!  
When I present a task to a student, they must complete it.  No matter how bad the tantrum is or meltdown lasts, it is imperative that the requested task be completed so that my students understand and respect their teachers.  Now, if a child is struggling, OF COURSE I intervene to help.  That means prompts, shortening the assignment, breaks etc.  Whatever is needed to help the child become successful.  I believe that by caving in to tantrums, the child will learn to tantrum and they will get out of the requested task or request.
Yesterday, I used a LOT of visuals to help my student calm down.  I worked with my kiddo to help him regulate his emotions, communicate his frustrations and complete the task. (Unpack his backpack!)

I really am dependent on visuals to help the kids (AND ME) get through those difficult behaviors.  These materials are all apart of my Calm Down Kit  which I keep stashed in a bin on my desk.  I like to keep these visuals handy so they are readily available when a crisis occurs!

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