What I Want for My Students-

I care so much for my students.  
I want what’s best for them.  
I want to shelter them from the cruel in the world,
I want to push them past their comfort level.
I want them to succeed in every way possible.  
I want them to reach their full potential.
I want them to exceed every expectation,
I want them to surpass any limit that was ever set.
I want them to surprise themselves.
I want them to feel proud.
I want them to feel successful,
I want them to feel LARGER than life.
Most importantly- 
I want them to feel loved.
I want them to feel safe.
I want them to feel nurtured,
I want them to feel cared for.
IEP goals, benchmarks and objectives only mean so much.
You cannot take baseline data on the quality of life.
You cannot report progress or set goals for one’s self esteem.
Remember the big picture- at the end of the day, do what’s right for you students.  
My favorite quote from a family friend-
“It’s all about the good, It’s all about the happy.”

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