“How To Set Up A Special Education Program”- Sensory Corner/Transitions

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Organization is
key- so creating a sensory corner is a great way to store all of your sensory
equipment so that it is easily assessable for the students and staff!  The
equipment can be large and bulky if not properly stored..
  It can also get in the way if it is out in
the open.
For the students
that are sensory seeking, try adding a “sensory corner” icon to their schedule
every hour.  It is a great way to
integrate sensory into their schedule and to help regulate their behaviors that
may impede their learning without the sensory break!

A simple sensory
transition can make transitions to outside your classroom much easier.  Sensory transitions are a simple strategy of
adding a movement/activity to the transition. 
When students are seated at their desks and told to check their
schedule, students are excused to line up one at a time following a simple
sensory exercise.  A few examples for the
month of September (color of the month is red!):

Catch the RED balloon.

Squeeze the apple

Catch the bumpy ball.  

Roll the ball on your tummy

Dance with the scarf.  

Rub the scarf on your arm.

Shake the red tambourine . 

Roll the play doh

Squeeze the squishy toy

You can simply
introduce new sensory toys for transitions every month so that the kids don’t
get burnt out of the same games.  This is a great way to get all of the
student’s attention back on the teacher and focused before lining up to go
outside. The transition items are based on monthly themes and colors.

Tomorrow I will be discussing sensory activity boxes and individual sensory boxes

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