“How To Set Up A Special Education Program”- Teaching Life Skills

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Toilet training
older students can be a challenge in the school setting.  One of the best tools is to decorate the
restroom with visuals to help the child understand the bathroom routine.

Create a simple
bathroom chart to motivate students to “work for” a reward.  An incentive to toilet training is key to
those challenging students!
I love social
stories for teaching functional life skills. 
I created this simple social story to teach the steps to using the
restroom.  Use this social story before,
during and after toilet training activities.

Teaching students
to be independent in the area of self-help is very crucial in the area of
independence..  In order to teach
students these skills, consider creating social stories to teach these
important life skills.

Every student HAS an “All About Me” binder.  This binder is
an interactive binder that helps students learn their personal



when you come back tomorrow I will be introducing sensory integration, day 1 of 5!  Sensory is such a huge component of special education programs and one that cannot be “skipped!”

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