“How To Set Up A Special Education Program”- Working Cards/Whole Class Behavior Management


I utilize visual
working cards for my students all day!
The simple visual can help a student participate in the classroom
routine along with their peers with little to no disruptions.
  Depending on the child and their needs will
determine how often you token the child to allow them to earn their
breaks./preferred item.
  The goal should
be to reduce the amount of breaks within the day and to allow them to
eventually be successful without a working card.


This whole class behaviorsystem was designed to be used for the whole class. It’s a great way to
incorporate the life skills and behavior management! It can be used class wide
and adapted for each student to meet the individual needs. It is a great
structured management system that can be used with any child with autism and
special education class.

Visit us tomorrow for our last day on behavior management!

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